more about mary eva finger blakesley
more about mary eva finger blakesley
This page details the ancestry of Mary Eva Finger Blakesley
She is the great grandmother of the author
Paternal [Finger] linage of Mary Eva Finger Blakesley
The Vingers/Fingers had many children in each generation. For more information go to the web sites below
Fingar / Finger Family Genealogy Click on JO1790 or RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: stork-ketchum Input Vinger, Johannes, click “Register.
When there is a discrepancy between the two sites the author defers to the Vinger/Finger site.
Maternal [Barnes] linage of Mary Eva Finger Blakesley
das Ende
Obituary Notes
Mary Eva Born Jan. 15 1856 Died Feb. 19 1936
Mrs. Charles Pratt is Ruth
Mrs. James Connolly is Stella
For Peter John Finger’s Civil War service see LINK CIVIL WAR #5
[Mary & John lived apart for over 16 years]
Author - R.C.BLAKESLEY - 2009